Push-Ups for Every Trimester of Your Pregnancy & After Baby

Push-Ups for Every Trimester of Your Pregnancy & After Baby

Push-ups: do you dread them? Revel in them? Wish you could do better? The fact is push-ups come easier to men than women due to the simple fact men have 20% more muscle mass in their upper body. While they may target the upper body, they are also a fast and effective way to build core strength and overall general conditioning. With modifications, push-ups can be done throughout pregnancy and postpartum to help keep you well conditioned throughout your motherhood journey. 

For tips and techniques on push-ups during each trimester, check out Parenthood's guide to push-ups for each stage in pregnancy

Read about my personal battle with conquering the push-up and how doing 100 push-ups once a week not only got me back in shape, but changed my mind set.


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